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Form 2 (Ontario - Order For Examination)


A Form 2, or Order For Examination, under the Ontario Mental Health Act is a form that any member of the public (or family member) can fill out when they are concerned about the mental well-being of an individual. A Justice of the Peace is required to initiate the process, and the member of the public must contact them to issue the Form 2.

Download Form 2

Physician Assessment

Patients may arrive in the emergency department under a Form 2. It is important to note that a Form 2 does not allow hospital detention. The purpose of the Form 2 is to allow the police to apprehend and bring the person to a physician for examination. The purpose of the examination is for the physician to decide whether or not to sign a Form 1 for further assessment.



A Form 2 is valid 7 days from and including the day it is made or at conclusion of physician’s examination [Justice of the Peace completes this].
