Table of Contents

Trauma-Informed Care


Trauma-informed therapy and care takes into account the impacts of trauma in all aspects of a patient's care. The trauma survivor's safety, choice, and control is the priority. The treatment culture should be one of non-violence, learning, and collaboration.

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Key Principles

  1. Trauma awareness
    1. Understanding and exploring the impact of criticism, experiences of abandonment, lack of adult support, and a curisoty about the role of early development trauma on interpersonal deficits and mood/axniety
  2. Emphasis of safety and trustworthiness
    1. Need for predictability, consistency, crisis planning, and discussions about trust
  3. Opportunity for choice, collaboration and connection
    1. Model open communication, discussions about power differences, and negotiating breaches (e.g. - late appointments)
  4. Strengths-based and skill building
    1. Viewing all behaviours and interactions as adaptations, and possible survival resources, and building on these

Ways to Support Trauma Patients

  1. Grounding techniques
  2. Window of Tolerance Model
  3. Trigger Scale
  4. Parallel Lives
