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Form 5 (British Columbia - Consent for Treatment [Involuntary Patient])


A Form 5 (Consent for Treatment), is a form under the British Columbia Mental Health Act that details the consent process for mental health treatment if a patient is involuntarily admitted on a Form 4 or Form 6. The Form 5 requires that either patient consent to treatment, or the director’s authorization (if the patient does not consent), be documented.

Download Form 5


treatment, such as starting electroconvulsive therapy, clozapine initiation, initiation of restraints, or transfers to a new designated facility.

Voluntary Patients?

For voluntary persons admitted under the MHA (i.e. - no Form 4 or Form 6), their consent is of course still always required before any treatment can be provided. However, this discussion should be documented in their chart instead of a Form 5 (since a Form 5 is not applicable in the case of a voluntary admission).


The Form 5 serves several important functions:

  1. If a patient accepts and consents to treatment, the Form 5 provides the space to document the course of treatment a patient has consented, and the time and date that consent was provided. Documenting a patient’s consent to treatment is particularly important in the context of an involuntary admission, because legally, the patient has actually been deprived of their right to refuse it.
  2. Alternatively, If a patient refuses to consent or is unable to consent, the Form 5 requires the prescribing physician to obtain the hospital director’s authorization to proceed with the proposed treatment. Under the BC Mental Health Act, the director is ultimately responsible for ensuring the patient receives treatment appropriate to their condition. Proper documentation on the Form 5 is particularly important for patients who initially on admission may have been incapable of appreciating illness or treatment but later regain some capacity.
  3. Finally, the Form 5 is an essential part of the medical-legal record for patients exercise their right to seek a second medical opinion on the appropriateness of the treatment prescribed by the patient's physician and authorized by the director.

Medical Treatments

Who Can Consent to Which Treatments for an Involuntary Patient?

Adapted from: Ombudsperson's Special Report No. 42, Committed to Change: Protecting the Rights of Involuntary Patients under the Mental Health Act, p 47.
Psychiatric Treatment Medical Treatment
Incapable Director under the Mental Health Act using Form 5 (Part B) Substitute decision maker (SDM) under the Health Care (Consent) and Care Facility (Admission) Act
Capable Patient using Form 5 (Part A) [assuming patient is involuntarily admitted, but capable] Patient


Proposed Treatment

Part A and B
