Table of Contents

Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic (Benzodiazepine) Intoxication


Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Intoxication occurs when there is a clinically significant problematic behavioural or psychological change (e.g. - inappropriate sexual or aggressive behavior, mood lability, impaired judgment, impaired social or occupational functioning) that develops during, or shortly after ingestion of substances including benzodiazepines, benzodiazepine-like drugs (e.g. - zolpidem, zaleplon), carbamates (e.g. - glutethimide, meprobamate), barbiturates (e.g. - phenobarbital, secobarbital), and barbiturate-like hypnotics (e.g. - glutethimide, methaqualone).[1] This class also includes all prescription sleeping medications and almost all prescription anti-anxiety medications. Non-benzodiazepine anti-anxiety agents (e.g. - buspirone, gepirone) are not included in this class because they are not associated with significant misuse.


DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria

Criterion A

Recent use of a sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic.

Criterion B

Clinically significant maladaptive behavioural or psychological changes (e.g. - inappropriate sexual or aggressive behavior, mood lability, impaired judgment) that developed during, or shortly after, sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic use.

Criterion C

At least 1 of the following signs or symptoms developing during, or shortly after, sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic use:

  1. Slurred speech
  2. Incoordination
  3. Unsteady gait
  4. Nystagmus
  5. Impairment in cognition (e.g. - attention, memory)
  6. Stupor or coma
Criterion D

The signs or symptoms are not attributable to another medical condition and are not better explained by another mental disorder, including intoxication with another substance.

Signs and Symptoms

Differential Diagnosis


Physical Exam



Benzodiazepine Use Guidelines

Guideline Location Year PDF Website Canada 2018 For Patients
For Prescribers
For Patients
For Providers
Canadian Guidelines on Benzodiazepine Receptor Agonist Use Disorder Among Older Adults Canada 2019 PDF Link
Australian Prescriber Australia 2015 - Link


For Patients
For Providers
1) American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA.
2) American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA.
3) American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA.
4) American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA.