PsychDB (Psychiatry DataBase) is an original, hand-crafted, psychiatry reference and clinical resource for medical students, residents, and physicians. It is free to use and access.

This website is made and run by Canadian resident physician(s) in psychiatry with an interest in medical education. It was created as a teaching tool, to keep track of learning in residency, and also borne out of dissatisfaction with current medical education. The goal is to continually update this site with diagnostic criteria, treatment guidelines, medication information, teaching files, new research, and ongoing controversies/debates within psychiatry. It tries to be evidence-based by providing references whenever possible. This website is a constant work-in-progress (perpetual beta) and you may find pages that are incomplete or still being written.


This website is for educational purposes only and not a substitute for clinical judgment or decisions. Read this disclaimer and terms of use for full details.

If you notice any errors, have questions, friendly comments, or concerns, please use this contact form!

There are several key features to PsychDB:

  • On the homepage you'll notice an extensive list of psychiatric and neurologic diagnoses. Each diagnosis has its own page, with diagnostic criteria (DSM-5), epidemiology, pathophysiology, treatment recommendations, and resources for both patients and providers.
  • On the left side of the homepage are links to specific topics in psychiatry, including on-call resources (primarily for Ontario psychiatrists), a psychopharmacology guide and database, and a cognitive testing section.
  • There is also a teaching files section geared towards medical students and residents, which teaches key (and hopefully interesting) psychiatry topics.
  • Finally, there are pages on personality disorders, psychotherapy, and neurology.

PsychDB uses a permalink system - anytime you hover over a heading or subheading on a page, a permalink icon will popup that allows you to cite that section of the page directly. Right-click to copy the link, or click it to generate it in your browser. Try it above!

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