Table of Contents



Catatonia is a severe heterogeneous neuropsychiatric and medical syndrome with motor and/or behavioural signs. At times, it can be life-threatening, especially in its malignant form when complicated by fever and autonomic disturbances. Catatonia is not just a psychiatric syndrome and can accompany both psychiatric and medical illnesses.

Risk Factors

DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria


Catatonia can be classified under 1 of 3 categories under the DSM-5:

  1. Catatonia Associated With Another Mental Disorder (e.g. - marked psychomotor disturbance in neurodevelopmental, psychotic, bipolar, depressive, or other mental disorder)
  2. Catatonic Disorder Due to Another Medical Condition (e.g. - encephalitis, traumatic brain injury, etc.)
  3. Unspecified Catatonia
Only Criterion A needs to be met to have a diagnosis of Catatonia Associated With Another Mental Disorder (Catatonia Specifier)
Criterion A

The clinical picture is dominated by at least 3 of the following symptoms:

  1. Stupor (i.e. - no psychomotor activity; not actively relating to environment)
  2. Catalepsy (i.e. - passive induction of a posture held against gravity; or muscular rigidity and fixity of posture regardless of external stimuli; catalepsy is a motor symptom of schizophrenia similar to waxy flexibility)
  3. Waxy flexibility (i.e. - slight, even resistance to positioning by examiner; the limb can be placed in an awkward posture and remain fixed in position for long time despite asking the individual to relax)
  4. Mutism (i.e. - no, or very little, verbal response [exclude if known aphasia])
  5. Negativism (i.e. - opposition or no response to instructions or external stimuli; see also Gegenhalten)
  6. Posturing (i.e. - spontaneous and active maintenance of a posture against gravity)
  7. Mannerism (i.e. - odd, circumstantial caricature of normal actions)
  8. Stereotypy (i.e. - repetitive, abnormally frequent, non-goal-directed movements)
  9. Agitation (not influenced by external stimuli)
  10. Grimacing
  11. Echolalia (i.e. - mimicking another’s speech)
  12. Echopraxia (i.e. - mimicking another’s movements)


The mnemonic WRENCHES can be used to remember the core features of catatonia:
  • W - Waxy flexibility
  • R - Rigidity
  • E - Echopraxia
  • N - Negativism
  • C - Catalepsy
  • H - High level of motor activity
  • E - Echolalia
  • S - Stupor, Stereotypy
Criterion A, B, C, D, and E must ALL be met to have a diagnosis of Catatonic Disorder Due to Another Medical Condition
Criterion B

There is evidence from the history, physical examination, or laboratory findings that the disturbance is the direct pathophysiological consequence of another medical condition.

Criterion C

The disturbance is not better explained by another mental disorder (e.g. - a manic episode).

Criterion D

The disturbance does not occur exclusively during the course of a delirium.

Criterion E

The disturbance causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.

Memory Aid

If you don't like the WRENCHES mnemonic, catatonia can also be remembered by breaking it down into the categories of decreased, increased, and abnormal psychomotor activity:
  • Decreased Behaviours
    • Stupor
    • Negativism
    • Mutism
    • Posturing
    • Catalepsy
  • Abnormal Behaviours
    • Stereotypy
    • Mannerism
    • Waxy flexibility
    • Echolalia
    • Echopraxia
  • Increased Behaviours
    • Agitation
    • Grimacing

Signs and Symptoms


Three subtypes of catatonia have been categorized: stuporous, excited, and malignant. It should be noted that these subtypes are not recognized in the DSM-5.

  1. Stuporous catatonia is characterized by immobility, staring, mutism, rigidity, withdrawal and refusal to eat, along with more bizarre features such as posturing, grimacing, negativism, waxy flexibility, echophenomena, stereotypy, verbigeration, and automatic obedience.
  2. Excited catatonia is characterized by purposeless and excessive motor activity that includes disorganized pressured speech, flight of ideas, verbigeration, disorientation and/or confusion, and confabulation.
  3. Malignant catatonia is accompanied by fever and dysautonomia, and associated with increased morbidity and mortality (up to 10% mortality). Neuroleptic malignant syndrome is one form of malignant catatonia. Delirious mania is another form of malignant catatonia, and has features of both excited and malignant catatonia.

Malignant Catatonia

Delirious Mania

Screening Tools and Scales

Psychometric Scales for Catatonia

Name Rater Description Download
Bush-Francis Catatonia Rating Scale (BFCRS) Patient The screening section marks items #1-14 as either “absent” or “present.” The full scale rates items #1-23 on a scale of 0-3. The ratings are made based on the observed behaviors during the examination, with the exception of completing the items for “withdrawal” and “autonomic abnormality,” which may be based upon either observed behaviours and/or chart documentation. Rate items only if well defined. If uncertain, rate the item as “0”.[7] Download BFCRS


Several models for the development of catatonia have been proposed, but catatonia remains very poorly understood. The dysfunctional neurotransmitter model proposes that a combination of reduced GABA activity in the frontal cortex, increased N-methyl-D-aspartate glutamatergic activity in the posterior parietal cortex, and dampened dopaminergic action in the basal ganglia is responsible for catatonia.[8] The neural network and circuits model suggests that disruption in the mesoencephalofrontal system (brainstem → basal ganglia → limbic system and cerebral cortex). More recent functional imaging studies have shown activity changes in orbitofrontal, prefrontal, motor cortical, and parietal regions.[9]

Medical Illness

A variety of medical conditions may cause catatonia, especially neurological conditions (e.g. - neoplasms, head trauma, cerebrovascular disease, encephalitis) and metabolic conditions (e.g. - hypercalcemia, hepatic encephalopathy, homocystinuria, diabetic ketoacidosis). The associated physical examination findings, laboratory findings, and patterns of prevalence and onset reflect those of the etiological medical condition.

Differential Diagnosis


Physical Exam

Prior to the physical exam, it is important to check the chart for reports from previous 24 hours; check for oral intake, vital signs, any behaviour changes or incidents. A physical examination based on the Bush-Francis Catatonia Rating Scale can help guide the exam for catatonia:

Physical Exam for Catatonia

Sign Exam Pathological Response
Posturing Observe the patient Patient takes on postures on without any clear purpose
Grimacing Observe the patient Grimacing is posturing of muscles of facial expression
Stereotypy Observe the patient Excessive repetition of a normally goal-directed behaviour (like buttoning a shirt 30 times an hour)
Mannerisms Observe the patient Mannerisms are more purposeless than stereotypy
Verbigeration Observe the patient Repeating a certain word or sentence WITHOUT a stimulus
Perseveration Talk to the patient Repeating a word or phrase WITH a stimulus (i.e. - repeating something a clinician has said)
Mutism Observe the patient while trying to engage in conversation Mute
Grasp reflex Firmly place two fingers in patient's palm Tightly grasps your fingers (± even if asked not to)
Opposition (Gegenhalten) Instruct patient to “keep your arm loose”, move patient's arm horizontally back and forth by the wrist, with varying degrees of lighter and heavier force Automatically resists movement in each direction, matching your strength with each move (i.e. - the more you push the stronger resistance you get)
Negativism Ask patient to look at you Turns away
Echopraxia Scratch your head or nose in an exaggerated way Copies (±even if asked not to)
Waxy flexibility Reposition patient's arm into an unusual (but painless) position Initial resistance, then allows self to be repositioned and holds the pose (e.g. > 1 minute)
Anglepoise (Mitgehen) Say, “Don’t let me raise your arm,” then push patient's arm in different directions with just your finger You can move patient's arm with the lightest touch (“like an anglepoise lamp”)
Automatic obedience • Reach into your pocket and say: “Stick out your tongue, I need to stick a pin in it”.
• Extend your hand, saying, “Please don’t shake my hand
• Sticks tongue out (Don’t actually poke with a pin!)
• Shakes your hand (± won’t let go)
Ambitendence • Extend your hand, saying, “Please don’t shake my hand”
• Instruct: “Please walk to the end of the room and back
• Oscillates (e.g. - reaching out then retracting hand repeatedly)
• Takes a step away, then back, then away again

German 101

  • Gegenhalten (from German: to resist or hold against) is a form of hypertonia characterized by involuntary variable resistance during a passive movement (i.e. - a movement without effort). It can be elicited moving a patient’s forearm rapidly from a contracted to a stretched position, after instructing the patient not to resist. It is a primitive reflex, absent in adults, but can occur in association with frontal lobe disorders, generalized degenerative diseases, and catatonia. It is different from cogwheel rigidity, a sign of extrapyramidal syymptoms.
  • Mitgehen (from German: to take part in)is an extreme form of mitmachen in which very slight pressure leads to movement in any direction, also called the “anglepoise” effect or “anglepoise lamp sign”.
    • In mitmachen, one's body can be put into any posture, despite instructions given to resist.


Research on the treatment of catatonia is scarce, but there is overwhelming clinical evidence of the efficacy of benzodiazepines and electroconvulsive therapy.[13] Unfortunately, studies on the treatment of catatonia remains limited to mostly open-label studies or case reports.[14][15]

Recommendations for treatment of catatonia

1st line ECT, lorazepam IV, q6-8 hours x 2-3 days (zolpidem could be considered)[16]
2nd line Memantine 10mg PO daily, titrate over 3-4 days to 20mg daily
Amantadine 100mg PO daily, titrated over 3-4 days to 600mg (in divided doses)
(Prescribe the above as monotherapy or in combination with a benzodiazepine)
3rd line Valproic acid 500-1500mg PO daily
Carbamazepine 300-600mg PO daily
(May be useful if the catatonia is related to underlying mania)
Last line Aripiprazole 10-30mg PO daily
Olanzapine 2.5-10mg PO daily
Clozapine 200-300mg PO Daily
There is the potential to worsen catatonia or cause conversion to a malignant catatonia.



Mood stabilizers


Underlying Medical Condition



5) Fink M, Taylor MA. Catatonia: A Clinician’s Guide to Diagnosis and Treatment. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press; 2003.